Kegalu Vidyalaya Old Boys' Association

Initiation of LEO Club

On October 24th, 2023, the Jinadasa Perera Memorial Hall witnessed the initiation of a significant milestone for Kegalu Vidyalaya—the establishment of its very own LEO Club. This event marked the beginning of a new chapter dedicated to leadership, experience, and opportunity for the students of Kegalu Vidyalaya.

The ceremony commenced with a warm welcome from the event organizers, who expressed their excitement and pride in launching the LEO Club at our school. The hall was beautifully decorated, reflecting the enthusiasm and spirit of the occasion.

Keynote speakers, including distinguished guests from the Lions Club and notable alumni, addressed the audience, sharing inspiring words about the importance of leadership and community service. They highlighted the role of the LEO Club in fostering these values among students, preparing them to become compassionate and responsible leaders of tomorrow.

During the initiation ceremony, the charter members of the LEO Club were formally inducted, taking an oath to uphold the principles of the club and commit to serving their community. The newly elected office bearers were presented with their badges, symbolizing their roles and responsibilities within the club.

The event also included motivational talks and presentations about the various activities and projects that the LEO Club will undertake. These initiatives aim to empower students, provide them with valuable experiences, and make a positive impact on society.

Following the formal proceedings, the attendees enjoyed a networking session, where students, teachers, and guests mingled and discussed future plans for the LEO Club. This interaction fostered a sense of unity and shared purpose among all participants.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Lions Club for their support and guidance in establishing the LEO Club at Kegalu Vidyalaya. Special thanks also go to the organizers, speakers, and volunteers who contributed to the success of this event.

The initiation of the LEO Club at Kegalu Vidyalaya is a testament to our commitment to nurturing young leaders and encouraging active community involvement. We look forward to witnessing the incredible contributions and achievements of our LEO Club members in the years to come.

Thank you to everyone who attended and supported this memorable event. Here’s to a bright future of leadership and service!

Initiation of LEO Club in Kegalu Vidyalaya